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  • Skin Tightening Neck Lift Recipe

    < Back Skin Tightening Neck Lift Recipe Jojoba Oil - Lavender - Frankincense - per application: 1 tablespoon of Jojoba oil - 5 drops of each essential oil. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Blend and after you exfoliate neck and chin area, pat excess moisture off, then apply serum to neck, chest and chin. Massage in for 2 min Leave on overnight, can apply day as well. Previous Next

  • Milk Mask Recipe

    < Back Milk Mask Recipe MILK MASK: makes 2 oz 2 tablespoons of Castile Soap 1/2 oz Sweet Almond Oil 1 tablespoon Peanut Oil 3rd of oz (10ml, 2tsp) of Olive Oil (Organic, Extra Virgin) When it's white then add the almond oil THEN MIX Then add the olive oil THEN MIX Store in dry cool dark place. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. MASK This can be used as a face mask- do not leave on for more than 60sec Simply apply to damp skin, massage with damp fingers and watch the milk mask disappear into your skin. After 60sec, no more than 90 seconds, place a warm steamy cloth on face & when cool simply wipe your face clear. MILK TONER You can add 2 tablespoons milk mask to 8 oz of distilled water for a facial toner MILK BATH SOAK You can add 2 tablespoons to your bath for a bath soak MILK FOOT SOAK You can add 1 teaspoon to your foot bath to soften calluses MILK FOAM FACE WASH Add 1 oz to a 6-8oz foam pump bottle fill the rest with water, shake and create a milk face foam wash MILK BODY WASH Add all 2 oz to a foam pump with water and use to shave legs or body wash Add essential oils to any of these recipes of your choice for your own scent and benefits. Store any item made with water in refrigerator & replace after 2weeks; or use GermAll for mold and mildew prevention *This recipe was given to me by a dear friend before she passed named Liz Barringer. I promised her I would never sell it. This was what she used to nurse her dad on his death bed from bed sores and take care of him. It was all she had in the cabinet she put it together and made it to take care of all his hygiene needs before he passed. Thank you Liz I miss you! I tell you this to know how dear this recipe is and that I always want to give credit to the creator of a recipe. Previous Next

  • White Patches on Face

    < Back White Patches on Face Neem (carrier) Oil - 2-3 drops Turmeric Essential Oil - 1 drop (Do not substitute with turmeric root powder or fresh turmeric root) Carrot Seed Essential Oil -1 drop Lavender Essential Oil - 2 drops CLICK ON THE IMAGES OF THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Neem is the star of the show. It is anti-fungal in nature and not only helps calm the skin with its anti-inflammatory nature, but also ensures any discoloration is dealt with. With regular usage, Neem oil is effective in tackling white patches on the face. How to Blend: Per application (best if made right before each use): Get a small bowl or use your hand, mix 2-3 drops of Neem oil and 1 drop each of Turmeric EO plus Carrot Seed EO and 2 drops of Lavender EO. Apply to your white patches with your finger one at a time. Make more if additional treatment serum is needed. Apply twice daily, morning and night, to freshly cleansed skin. LEAVE on, do not wash off. Previous Next

  • Microdermabrasion Treatment

    < Back Microdermabrasion Treatment Microdermabrasion Crystals (exfoliating crystals) pure organic crystals - from Amazon (or baking soda) Rosemary Essential Oil - Clinical grade - 1 drop Black Pepper Essential Oil - Clinical grade - 1 drop Lemongrass Essential Oil Clinical grade - 1 drop Fennel Essential Oil (ANY fennel) Clinical grade - 1 drop Ginger Essential Oil Clinical grade -2 drops Coffee Bean Essential Oil Clinical grade - 3 drops Green Propolis Extract No alcohol, natural kosher - 1 /2 dropper Olive Oil (Extra Virgin (pure) 1 teaspoon CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. What is orange peel chin? Dimpling and wrinkling in the chin can be part of the natural aging process of our face. As we get older, we lose volume in the chin so that the visible movement of the muscle creates this pebbling, 'orange-peel' effect. It is also a result of sun damage. It is cellulite on the chin. The best treatment and strongest treatment along with peels, micro needling and Botox is microderm abrasion. Orange Peel Facial Microderm Abrasion Treatment " A clinical study showed that this combination of ingredients reduces the appearance of facial cellulite by 52% and improved skin firmness and elasticity by 57.9% on the entire face and tightened the skin." Blend the oils into the crystals or baking soda and on a clean face apply starting at forhead in a circular motion all the way down to the chin, neck and then chest. Do NOT rub to hard you will damage the skin. This is a deep treatment do not do this daily. If treating a condition do biweekly and for regular facial treatment do 1 time per month. Do not combine with other exfoliation methods. IMPORTANT PLEASE READ For those of you who don’t know, microdermabrasion is simply the buffing of the skin, similarly to sanding for your skin! Candidates for microdermabrasion are people who are healthy and have small skin problems. They should also have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do. People with uneven pigmentation, clogged pores, acne, blackheads, fine lines, minor scars, and age spots can all benefit from microdermabrasion. Your skin needs time to recover in between microdermabrasion uses, dermatologists typically recommend waiting two - 4 weeks between treatments. Overusing the product can damage your skin, so only use it as often as recommended. The frequency of treatments also depends on your skin type, skin issues, and what you’re hoping to achieve. Previous Next

  • Menopause Dry Skin Serum + Hormone Wrist Roller

    < Back Menopause Dry Skin Serum + Hormone Wrist Roller Peppermint Essential Oil - 5 drops Rose Essential Oil - 10 drops OR Geranium Essential Oil - 9 drops Lavandin Essential Oil - 8 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil - 10 drops Pomegranate Carrier Oil - fill remainder of bottle CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. As Menopause approaches and estrogen production diminishes, dry, itchy skin becomes very common. This recipe is LIFE SAVER. You will be apt to reach for ANYTHING you can for relief. Make it this recipe, you mak it yourself. You know what's in it and it will WORK WONDERS on your dry skin and your wrinkles! Who doesn't want to solve the problem of dry itchy skin AND wrinkles at the same time! This Recipe is 2 parts. It is 2 products. The 1st is a skin serum for the face. The 2nd is a wrist roller to affect for hormones. Put in an empty 2 oz bottle your essential oil drops 1st. Then fill up the rest of the bottle to just below the neck with the carrier oil. Put on the top shake and let sit in dark cool spot for 48 hours before use. Store in same spot. Wash face, do not use soap or suds. Use Oil Cleanser. The apply serum to wet to damp skin. Allow to air dry. MAKE THIS A SPRAY MOISTURIZER: to make this a Spray- simply add 3 tablespoons of completed blended oil ingredients and add to 1/2 tsp of Glycerin and 1/2 tsp of Castile soap- blend it and add all ingredients to 6 oz - 8 oz of distilled water or any hydrosol / Flower Water / Herb Water - Spray for extra dry itchy skin treatment through out the day. GLYCERIN CASTILE SOAP Wrist Roller for Hormones: NOT for the face (roller is to roll on your wrist for symptoms of menopause, to ease symptoms naturally. Thyme Essential Oil 3 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil 8 drops Sandalwood or Amyris 8 drops ANY carrier oil Using a 10 ml roller bottle Add essential oils, then add any carrier oil to fill remainder. Put top on an place in cool dark place allow to sit 48 hours before use and Apply 3-4 times daily on wrist when you experience symptoms. Do not exceed 4 times daily. Previous Next

  • Dry Hair Leave In Conditioner

    < Back Dry Hair Leave In Conditioner Sesame Seed Oil 1 table spoon Amla Oil - 1 table spoon Turmeric Essential Oil 4 drops Orange Essential Oil (any one bitter, sweet or blood orange) 4 drops Castor Oil 1/2 tsp Glycerin 1/2 tsp Castile Soap (spoonified Olive Oil) 1/2 tsp CLICK ON THE OIL BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. This is for very dry hair. Use for fly aways & Frizzy hair. If excessive dry hair use in combination with Deep Conditioning Hot Oil Treatment Blend together and add 8 oz of distilled water . Shake and apply lightly to hair.. Shake fast for 30 seconds before each use. Work through hair and brush or crunch up in hands for curly hair. This can also be used as a very dry skin treatment for the skin and feet apply excess on hands to fingers and palms. Previous Next

  • BIGGER Breast Size

    < Back BIGGER Breast Size (Just one) FLAXSEED OR AVOCADO FENNEL SEED OR GRAPEFRUIT CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Mix 1 tablespoon of Carrier oil with 2 drops of Fennel OR Grapefruit Essential oil and apply this portion after a bath/shower to your breast tissue, while skin still damp. Massage for 15 mins each night. The oil will absorb quickly. You do not remove that evening. Watch results in as little as 1 week start. Make sure you purchase the oils from affiliate Jade Bloom so they are clinical grade or this will not work. Previous Next

  • Hyper Pigmentation Recipe

    < Back Hyper Pigmentation Recipe Orange Essential oil - 10 drops Lemon Essential oil - 10 drops Geranium Essential oil - 8 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil OR Amyris -12 drops - Pomegranate Seed Oil fill remaining space in bottle to the neck! Pomegranate Oil CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. This is not a recipe for Melasma. Use 2 oz empty bottle, then add essential oil to the bottle 1st and then fill the rest of the bottle with the carrier oil to the neck. Wash face and apply as a treatment every night at bed time with no other skin care. Do not wear during the day as it may burn your skin. MELASMA VS HYPERPIGMENTATION: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MELASMA AND HYPERPIGMENTATION To illustrate the striking contrast between dermal hyperpigmentation and conventional melasma, it is imperative to first-of-all diffuse hyperpigmentation by defining it from first principles. Remember that both of these are extremely common types of blemishes and are a result of almost similar dermatological conditions. Here, we will take a closer look at the differences and similarities of hyperpigmentation vs melasma with a special emphasis on how to prevent the two or banish them should you be unfortunate enough to fall victim to either of the two. UNDERSTANDING HYPERPIGMENTATION Hyperpigmentation is simply an umbrella term that is used to describe a number of skin conditions where a skin patch becomes noticeably and significantly darker than the immediate surrounding skin in the same neighborhood. The term covers a good number of specific dermatological conditions such as freckles, melasma and liver spots. Having said that, as much as different types of hyperpigmentation are caused by varying factors such as medications, acne scarring and inflammation originating from miscellaneous factors, the chief culprit in 85% of cases of hyperpigmentation is unprotected sun exposure. Here's the thing; leaving the skin unshielded leaves it susceptible to damage by injurious UV rays from the sun. Depending on the severity of exposure, this damage will manifest itself in various ways, ranging from mere freckles to more serious health conditions in the league of skin cancer. Many types of hyperpigmentations, nonetheless, are virtually harmless and usually don't result in lingering complications other than minor cosmetic effects. Either way, they are typically readily treatable via an array of cosmetic options such as vitamin C serums, topical treatments and skin lightening creams. Actually, with a majority of hyperpigmentation forms, the patient only needs to worry about the blunt that their physical appearance takes rather than possible long-lasting complications. Nevertheless, it is still mightily important to get checked out by a qualified dermatologist just to rule out any possibilities of underlying damage. WHAT ABOUT MELASMA? Melasma is, in its most basic form, a type of hyperpigmentation that affects more than 5 million Americans at any given point. It is also characterized by darkened skin patches and discolourations that are quite noticeable and cannot be mistaken for anything else. Melasma, however, differs from other types of hyperpigmentation by its apparent cause. Instead of being just sun-related or a mere sunburn, melasma is partly caused by specific hormonal changes that occur in the body. It is for this reason, therefore, that melasma is colloquially referred to as a 'pregnancy mask'. Pregnant women, more than other subsets of the population, are more likely to show symptoms of this condition. If anything, melasma is very common among women (significantly more than men) simply because of this hormonal connection.This is not a recipe for Melasma that is here Previous Next

  • Nail Growth & Strength

    < Back Nail Growth & Strength 6 drops of Lavender Essential Oil 6 drops of Myrrh Essential Oil 1 oz of Rosehip Carrier Oil 4 drops of Balsam Fir (cuticle & nail bed) 2-3 drops of (0.2%) Vitamin E CLICK ON THE. OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Tools: 1 oz dropper bottle Instructions: Add essential oils to the dropper bottle. Follow with 2-3 drops of Vitamin E Raw Material. Fill the rest of the dropper bottle with Rosehip Oil. To use: Place 1 drop onto each nail to soften cuticles & clean cutice and buff nail. Then after wash hands and reapply one drop to each nail to strengthen nails. Previous Next

  • Wrinkle Muscle Relaxer Roller

    < Back Wrinkle Muscle Relaxer Roller Dark glass Roller Ball , 10ml Pomegranate Seed Oil, 3ml Passion Fruit Oil, 3ml Jojoba Oil, 3ml Lavender Essential Oil, 20 drops Add the carrier oil 1st. Then follow with 20 drops of lavender essential oil last. 1tsp is 5ml, so the recipe can actually be made with 1/2 tsp of each carrier oil if you do not have a way to measure 3ml. CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Allow to sit for 24-48 hours to synergize together. Then apply to target fine lines and wrinkles. Then use facial massage tools. Can be used as needed on wrinkles & facial expression lines through out the day without facial tools. DO NOT use roller ball over makeup. Only on clean skin. This was the 4th of July exclusive recipe on Tik Tok. Previous Next

  • Skin Tightening Exfoliator

    < Back Skin Tightening Exfoliator Patchouli Essential Oil, 10 drops Myrrh Essential Oil, 17 drops Rosemary Essential Oil, 12 drops Geranium Essential Oil,10 drops CypressEssential Oil,15 drops CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. This exfoliation scrub should be used 2 times a week for those with dry skin, 3 -4 days a week for those with oily skin or 1 day a week for those with normal skin. 1. You need a scrub that will benefit the skin. Choose a salt like Dendritic Salt. 2. Fill 1/2 cup with Dendritic Salt, and you can even add some sugar to that measure. 3. To the salt or salt/sugar, add 5 tablespoons of the carrier oil of your choice such as Baobab or Camellia. If acne prone, consider Tamanu Oil or Laurel Berry. 4. Mix with a spoon well. 5. Now add the indicated essential oils directly into the mixture. 6. Blend this well. If your scrub is not saturated with enough oil add carrier oil tablespoon by tablespoon. TO USE: Scrub face and rinse with ice cold water. Follow with the Skin Tightening Face Serum then spray Skin Tightening Face Toner. Apply Skin Tightening Face Toner as needed throughout the day. Use the moisturizer at night, not required during the day. Previous Next

  • Puffy & Dark Eye Wand COMBO recipe

    < Back Puffy & Dark Eye Wand COMBO recipe DARK UNDER EYE WAND 10 drops Coffee bean essential oil 5 drops of Geranium essential oil 1 full dropper of Castor oil PUFFY EYE WAND 3 full droppers of Sea Buckthorn berry oil 1 Full Dropper of Moringa oil Fill remainder of 2oz bottle with Rose hip seed oil PUFFY & DARK EYE WAND COMBO 10 drops Coffee bean essential oil 5 drops of Geranium essential oil 1 full dropper of Castor oil 3 full droppers of Sea Buckthorn berry oil 1 Full Dropper of Moringa oil Fill remainder of 2oz bottle with Rose hip seed oil CLICK ON THE OILS BELOW TO ORDER To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Below is the bundle of clinical grade ingredients you will need to create this recipe. To make this recipe you can purchase the skin care grade clinical grade ingredients in the the bundle below in the photo. The recipe is posted below. BONUS It also has the ingredients to create the Age Reversal Recipe! The most affordable way is to get the bundle it already has the bottles to create the recipe as well. BONUS THIS BUNDLE IS 2 RECIPES IN ONE! Puffy Eye Dark Circle Crows Feet Eye Wand Age Reversal Serum - Moringa and Coffee Bean- see recipe on the directory for how to. Click scroll down to the TikTok photo below to see how to make each recipe! in a 2 ounce bottle: add essential oils 1st, then add droppers of the carrier oils, then fill remainder of the bottle with rose hip seed oil. Place lid on bottle and gently shake. (Can fill a 10ml roller ball bottle from the 2oz bottle you blended for easy application) Wash face, then use ice to reduce puffiness Then use eye wand roller under eye with just one roll each - do not over apply Pat gently with your finger and let it set. Apply morning and night Previous Next

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