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Keratosis Pilaris Remedy

5 tablespoons of each carrier
Tamanu - 5 tablespoons
Rose Hip- 5 tablespoons
Thyme - 2 drops
Chamomile - 10 drops
Lavender - 10 drops


Keratosis pilaris is an extremely common skin condition that shows up as little bumps on the upper arms and thighs. While the bumps usually don’t hurt or itch, it is not yet known what causes this condition, but there are many different remedies for this disorder. Here is one very effective remedy below!

Tamanu oil- Carrier - The linoleic acid found in tamanu oil is astringent and toning, making it a perfect choice for both acne-prone and combination skin and mature skin alike. Tamanu oil has a comedogenic rating of 2, meaning it is very unlikely to clog pores. Your pores are clogged with keratin now.

Rosehip seed oil - Carrier - It will help to reduce redness and heal inflammation. Dermatologists often recommend using rosehip oil for skin conditions such as eczema or acne as well. It contains many essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants as well as essential fatty acids, which will help to moisturize and hydrate your skin

Lavender Essential oil - one of the best essential oils for keratosis pilaris. It contains anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and soothing properties that make it great for targeting the inflammation of this condition.

Chamomile Essential oil Deeply soothing, chamomile can work to calm irritated skin from keratosis pilaris. Chamomile contains bisabolol which is a potent anti-irritant. On reactive skin, like with KP, it lowers the skin’s allergic reactivity. Chamomile contains flavonoids and polyphenols which increase blood flow to the skin, creating a healing environment for the affected area.

Thyme Essential oil contains thymol, which has strong antibacterial properties that help prevent KP from spreading and forming new lesions on your skin.

1. Steam your face gently - to open the clogged pores and allow the keratin to release.
2. Pat dry
3. rinse with cold water - do not pat dry, allow to air dry ONLY until you have a slightly damp skin.

Apply 1-2 drops on the affected area and spot treat only the area and do not apply any other skin care over this treatment. Avoid your eye area & sleep on your back with your face up, not lying your face on the pillow.

A satin pillowcase is best with this.

Lastly, be very careful if you do not get the oils from me. To pay for these oil ingredients and not get pharmaceutical grade that are GCMS tested and (passed) not just tested would be a shame and could make the condition worse as oils not tested contain additional toxins that get distilled with them. If you're going to do this make sure it will be the best available.

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