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Hormone Balance

10 drops Sandalwood or Amyris
9 drop Clary sage
12 drop Chamomile Roman OR Chamomile German
2 oz Flaxseed oil (carrier)
2 tsp Castor Oil
10 drops Thyme


Essential oils are plant-based, and some contain phytoestrogens. These are plant-based substances that behave in a similar way to the hormone estrogen. Some experts believe that essential oils containing phytoestrogens may help balance hormones and relieve symptoms such as mood changes and hot flashes during menopause.

Menstrual cramp Recipe:

Apply this mixture to your lower abdomen over night or day.

Put in 2 oz glass dropper bottle like this

Mix all the essential oils together in the bottle, then fill the bottle the rest of the way with the flax seed and

Put the top on and shake around. Apply 1 full dropper to lower abdomen to induce period. Do not use if pregnant.

This can also be used to help PMS cramps and swelling.

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