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Foot Exfoliation Soak

2 tablespoons of Saponified Olive Oil (Castile Soap)
5 drops of Bergamot Citrus Scent
1 dropper full of Luxurious Almond Oil


* Blend with fingertips or wood stick and it will turn white.
* Add a tablespoon to a warm foot bath and soak your feet in the water.
* Take each foot out and add the remaining tablespoon to each foot and allow to sit 5 mins while you massage, then rinse and dry. Proceed to remove dead skin, dead skin will wipe right off.
* Follow with Pain Blend for sore or painful feet.

Your feet will feel soft and subtle. Do this once a week to keep feet and calluses clean and free of dead skin which affects how we stand and walk. With dead skin build up it affects our standing and bones.

WHY this recipe!
Carisa lost 337lbs in which she began moving and walking all the time. She began to get hard skin build up and soon she couldn't stand in ways she could. She found she also developed planters warts from the weight shift. Their had to be an easier way than going to have it removed at the podiatrist and a nail tech. So this is her recipe. She has used this recipe for years. It is one of her favorite recipes. It takes a total of 10 min to do and the items are always on hand and last a long time.

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