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Dog Flea Shampoo

1 cup Castile Soap
10 drops tea tree oil
20 drops orange oil
10 drops citronella
10 drops eucalyptus
10 drops peppermint
10 drops rosemary
1/4 cup olive oil

It's important to know that these essential oils without dilution or in this mix put on your dog in any amount will be deadly to your dog so do not use on alone or outside this recipe and make it exact. You will need a large combination of oils for this recipe and it works. I have 4 dogs FOUR and a kid allergic to fleas and ticks IT WORKS!

IF you DO NOT use clinical grade you will make your animal sick with oils from other places as they are not cleaned of the impurities like pesticides , organic is not clinical, organic can be made into clinical but its not clinical grade. The links below ARE clinical grade the same grade of oils placed in your dog shampoos & your skin care on the market right now regulated by the FDA

Wash dog
Castile Soap 1 cup
add to it
tea tree oil 10 drops
orange oil 20 drops
10 drops citronella
10 drops eucalyptus
10 drops peppermint
10 drops rosemary

Stick to these drops- overdoing it will poison your dog
then add
olive oil quarter cup - for coat conditioning - do not add coconut oil
Mix - and wash dog with 2-3 capfuls depending on size wash 2 times and rinse

Spray dog for fleas
You want to take this same solution you made as a wash and add a quarter cup to a spray bottle 8 oz and then add water shake well and use it to apply for flea prevention and itch in between washes. Can be used in bedding and in your home.

Cleaning home for fleas
Use the same solution as a cleaning agent oily make it without the olive oil.

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