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Calendula Infused Secret Beauty Oil

Calendula Infused Oil 10ml
Infused Oil
Scientific Name: Calendula officinalis

Extraction: Submerged in apricot and olive oil

Origin: India


The Calendula flower has many healing benefits. Commonly, this plant is referred to as Marigold. It originally got the name Marigold from the Virgin Mary. Many Catholics use the flower during events to honor Mary. It gained popularity in the 14th century for fighting the plague and was used in recipes to improve health.

Aside from its ties with the Catholic church, this flower is also valued in the Hindu religion. Hindus adorn their gods with this flower but also use it to add vibrant color to foods and fabrics.

Jade Bloom’s Calendula oil is made by submerging the flowers in 100% pure olive and apricot oil.
The result is a soothing oil that is great for improving the skin.

Most notably, this oil is used for skin care.
It can provide moisture and relieve dry skin, chapped, split or inflamed skin. Eczema and psoriasis can both be soothed with this hydrating and healing oil.

Applying this oil to your face can significantly improve the texture of your skin by improving blood flow to the cells. This can reduce the appearance of age spots, scars and wrinkles.

Studies have shown the antioxidant compounds in calendula can directly impact your vision. The functioning of your eyes depends on beta-carotene which is present in this oil. Apply 1 drop of this oil around your eye being cautious to avoid eye contact to prevent macular degeneration.

A study done by the Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences at the Aga Khan University Medical College in Pakistan concluded that the extract of Calendula relaxes muscle spasms and may also help with abdominal cramps.
Spasm Recipe:
Dilute and Massage this mixture into the area of spasm as needed.

3 drops Calendula
2 drops Marjoram
1 drop Ginger
This plant is known to induce menstruation. Because of this, we do not recommend using Calendula oil during pregnancy. In addition to jump starting menstruation, this oil can also ease symptoms like cramps and hot flashes. The amount of flavonoids in Calendula will relax the muscles & improve blood flow.
Menstrual cramp Recipe:
Apply this mixture to your lower abdomen to relieve PMS symptoms and cramps.

3 drops Calendula
1 drop clary sage
1 drop Chamomile
10ml Flaxseed oil (carrier)

Other benefits include:

Diaper rash
Ear infections
Oral Health

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