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After Sun Nourish Serum

Extreme Damage Serum - the strongest repair serum you will get in essential oils (2 oz bottle)

Rose Hip Seed Oil - 1 oz
Almond Oil -1 oz
Frankincense - 10 drops
Chamomile - 5 drops
Helichrysum - 7 drops
Lavender - 8 drops

* Add to the empty 2 oz bottle the essential oils 1st. Then add 1 oz of rose hip seed oil, then fill to the neck with almond oil. Secure the top, gently shake and allow to synergize for 48 hrs before use. Must be a dark glass bottle.

Minor Sun Damage Serum (2 oz bottle)
Rose Hip Seed Oil - 2 oz
Frankincense - 10 drops
Helichrysum - 8 drops
Lavender - 8 drops

* Add to the empty 2 oz bottle the essential oils 1st. Then, fill to the neck with rose hip seed oil. Secure the top, shake gently and allow to synergize for 48 hrs before use. Must be a dark glass bottle.

Sun Burn Treatment Serum - this is for an active sunburn that is not 2/3rd degree burn (4 oz bottle

Rose Hip Seed Oil -3 full droppers
Frankincense - 10 drops
Chamomile - 8 drops
Lavender - 7 drops
Aloe Vera Gel Juice -

*Add essential oils, then Rose Hip Seed Oil to the empty 4oz bottle.
Then fill the remainder of the bottle to the neck with aloe vera gel juice.
This may work better for you in a spray bottle, so use a spray bottle if desired.
Shake well when done and spray/apply liberally as needed to sunburn.
Repeat as often as needed.

Sun Damage Hydration Mist- 8 oz bottle
Hydrosol- Neroli -
Hydrosol - Helichrysum -
Almond Oil - 2 full droppers
Lavender - 10 drops
Frankincense-8 drops

* if your skin still feels dry from the sun damage, add 1 /2 tsp of Vegetable Glycerin to already prepared Hydration Mist. Shake well and apply.

*To the empty bottle add the essential oils and then almond oil. Follow by adding 4 oz of neroli hydrosol, then fill the remainder of the 8oz bottle to the neck with the helichrysum hydrosol. Take care not to overflow. Secure the top, gently shake and mist as needed during the day.


How to use Damage Routine:
1. Wash your face with Chamomile Honey Face Wash to reduce further dry skin damage. Olive oil and Chamomile EO mixed: 1 tsp of olive oil and 1 drop of Chamomile, 1 tsp of honey.
Apply to the face and massage, then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a damp microfiber towel.
2. Then apply your serum of choice above (whichever sun serum recipe you choose)- a drop on each side of the face & forehead. Pat pat pat into the skin all over.
3. Throughout the day spray your Hydration Mist as needed for hydration, and re-apply serum as needed. Very damaged skin will drink up this oil which it uses for repair. The severity of the damage will determine the level and speed of penetration and re-application.

This is for extreme and minor cases of sun damage. This serum reaches down to the 3rd layer of the skin and it penetrates the damaged skin. The greater the damage the greater the absorption. This is a very intense treatment for sun damage. Results can occur in as little as 4-6 week some extreme cases longer. You will see a difference in texture and feel within the 1st week. Your skin will look and feel like it's healing.

The hot sun can deplete your skin of its moisture and thus make your skin dry and even flaky. Dehydrated skin looks dull and feels rather itchy, with intense, persistent tightness. Unfortunately, UV rays can compromise your hydrolipidic barrier and gulp all skin’s natural water reservoir. Sunburn affects the skin's outermost layer, and based on the intensity of the sunbathe rn, skin may flake and peel after a few days. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes changes to the texture of the skin. UV rays trigger the formation of free radicals within the skin. Free radicals damage elastin fibers in the skin and contribute to wrinkling and premature aging. As a result of too much exposure to the sun, the skin increases its production of the pigment melanin. The extra melanin makes your skin look darker.

1. Apply sunscreen before you go outside. Wear hats.
2. Choose a water-resistant sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30.
3. Limit your time outdoors when the sun is at its peak - at midday and early afternoon.

* Apply sunscreen over the sun damage products before going outside.

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